Holiday Gift Shop 

December (specific dates TBA)

The Mountain View PTA is proud to announce we will be offering a Holiday Gift Shop program for the students for the second year.

Students will be able to select their own special holiday gifts for their family and friends. They have so much fun, they hardly know they are participating in this valuable learning program.

We will have approximately 100 different quality gifts for the children to choose from in a variety of price ranges. The items include licensed sports items, jewelry, tools, coffee mugs, and much more.

Since the shop is set up at school (and during school time) and supervised by the parents, the atmosphere is fun and familiar. It gives the young shopper the opportunity of buying the gifts on their own, not to mention the learning experience of comparing and budgeting money.

A volunteer sign up to be posted here once we get dates and times solidified.

The dates of the Holiday Gift Shop® will be announced soon. 

Questions? Email us at