Innovative Education

Mountain View Elementary
Parent Teacher Association

Outdoor Movie Night is coming up on September 27th. It is a FREE community event. Make sure to pre order your pizza and drinks as no sales will be done on-site. Link to do that can be found here. Come by at 6pm to save your spot at the upper field and the movie will begin at 6:30pm.

We are looking for a Vice President or a Treasurer so if anyone is interested please reach out to to get more info. It would be a 1 year position to replace our outgoing VP whose kiddo left for middle school.

Welcome to the Mountain View Elementary (MVE) PTA in Colorado Springs, CO!  

The MVE PTA is comprised of parents, grandparents, teachers, staff, administrators, and community members all working together to make sure we have a great school for our children. Our goal is to enhance, extend, and enrich learning opportunities, and to promote open communication and cooperation between parents, teachers, staff, and our community.

The Mountain View Elementary PTA has helped our school in various ways, from building the outdoor classroom and providing landscaping to sponsoring teacher grants. We organize or contribute to various MVE events throughout the year. Consider volunteering your time to help us make every child's potential a reality!

Our meetings will be held at MVE in 21C (the library) and a listing of dates and times will be added here once confirmed.


Enhance the education of Mountain View Elementary students


Extend and enrich learning opportunities throughout Mountain View Elementary


Provide volunteers for school events. Support our classrooms!


Promote communication and cooperation between all stakeholders

Amanda Boulet



Vice President

Leah Lofgreen


Andrea O'Brien


Please consider joining our PTA. Benefits include:

  • Meet parents & teachers to build rapport & share ideas!
  • Put your talents, skills, and creativity to great use!
  • Get your children involved and volunteer together! 
  • Motivate students to take pride in their school!
  • Help make positive changes to our school!
  • Vote on important issues and help decide what activities and programs receive PTA funding!
  • Work to improve opportunities for our students at the local, state, and national level!
Click here to join now or fill out a form and turn it in.